Wildlife - Flora and fauna (and geological features) that I've photographed over the years.
People - Group photos and photos of people I have met and/or known over the years.
Thanksgiving Dinner, November 28, 1996 - We had several guests for Thanksgiving Dinner this year: Terri Hoyt, Jonathan Hoyt, Ed Hoyt, and David Bilsker.
Big Basin, September 2, 1996 - Derek Bennett and I hiked out to the waterfalls on Berry Creek in Big Basin. (Distance: 10.5 miles; Climbing: 1200 feet)
Visiting Brent Silver, August 31, 1996 - Brent Silver invited me, Jude Katsch, Jennifer Katsch, and Forest Katsch for lunch at his newly-bought house in Santa Cruz.
Sweeney Ridge and Devil's Slide, August, 1996 - Maura Widicus, a friend from UCB, was in back in the bay area for the week on business. We took a short hike up Sweeney Ridge to the old Nike missile tracking station, and then drove down the coast past Devil's Slide.
Photo Albums from Mammoth Lakes Trip, July 1996 - This page shows the photo albums taken on the Mammoth Lakes trip from July 1996. This year it was I and Derek Bennett.
Visiting Dan and Family in Trinidad, CO, June 1996 - I managed to get some cheap plane tickets out to Colorado Springs direct from San Jose on the now-defunct Western Pacific Airlines. At the time Dan had just purchased Leone's Service Center (auto service) and was just getting used to being the boss. I spent a few days with his family in their enormous old house in Trinidad, seeing the sights around town, taking an afternoon drive over Cuchara Pass, visiting Royal Gorge, and hanging out at his shop.
All web site content except where otherwise noted: ©2024 Bill Bushnell
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