Haula Beach - 10/2013
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Welcome to MrBill's Web Site.
Biking Stuff
- Bike Blog and Photos - Blog and Photos on bike-related topics, mostly day-tours around the greater San Francisco Bay Area, organized in reverse chronological order.
- Hybrid Human/Electric Bicycles - Photo albums, links, discussion, and data files associated with hybrid human/electric bike projects.
- San Francisco Bay Area Altitude/Distance Biking Map - A graph of nodes and arcs, the nodes showing the altitude of various waypoints and the arcs showing the distance and the gross climbing between nodes.
- Rim Temperature Study - An ongoing study of how hot my rim-braked rims get when descending steep hills in the area. The purpose is to learn how hot a rim can become when it is used as a braking surface and at what rim temperatures and conditions one can observe tire blowoff.
- Broken Bike Parts - A photo album of broken or worn-out bicycle parts. Most of these are ordinary, but a few are extraordinary. Photos are added at the top (reverse chronological order) as I break things, wear them out, or come across others' misfortunes.
External Biking Links
- Western Wheelers Bicycle Club - My local bicycle club with whom I've ridden many times.
- Strava - Link to my profile on Strava. If you are a member, feel free to "follow" me. I upload most of my riding activity to Strava while only a relatively small number of my rides warrant a blog entry.
- Low-Key Hill Climbs - An annual fall series of informal events where each weekend a group of us meet and get timed biking up one of the hills in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- MegaMonster Enduro - An annual timed ride through San Benito County, 100 miles or 100 kilometers, held on the second Saturday of February, although the 2017 event was not held.
- Bay Area Bike Rides - Ray Hosler's blog on riding in the San Francisco Bay Area. Every week or so Ray discusses a topic on biking, usually his observations from a particular ride he took in or near his local area. His blog is an excellent source of historical information on biking in the area.
Non-biking stuff
- Blog - Blog and Photos on non-bike-related topics. These are mostly hikes, outings with friends and family, or other experiences that are not bike-related, organized in reverse chronological order.
- Palo Alto Bridge - Every so often I take up a new avocation. Ten years ago it was converting my two recumbent bikes to hybrid human-electric, although one can argue that that wasn't a completely new activity, since it overlapped with biking. In summer of 2015 I learned to play bridge from scratch by taking an intro class at the Palo Alto Bridge Center (located near downtown Mountain View), taught by Kathy Harper. I continue to study to improve my game. I play duplicate bridge mostly online with various partners and occasionally at the Bridge Center. I consider bridge an exercise for the mind as a complement to biking and hiking that exercise the body.
- LinkedIn Profile
All web site content except where otherwise noted: ©2025 Bill Bushnell
Background texture courtesy of Iridia's Backgrounds.
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