Waddell Creek Beach from Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail. 2012/09/2 16:18:47 |
Frank takes an interest in the roots in the rocks. 2012/09/2 16:21:43 |
Some sort of colorful bottle brush flower 2012/09/2 16:31:10 |
David at the Skyline-to-the-Sea trailhead 2012/09/2 16:33:28 |
Rancho del Oso and Waddell Creek Beach from the southern end of Skyline-to-the-Sea Trail. 2012/09/2 16:34:00 |
A finger of fog pushes up Waddell Creek from the coast. 2012/09/2 16:39:44 |
Big Basin Map at Waddell Creek trailhead 2012/09/2 16:42:04 |
Cañada de la Salud plaque 2012/09/2 16:42:30 |
Kite surfers at Waddell Creek Beach 2012/09/2 16:44:09 |