Bill meets with a representative of Intifada on the western summit of Chalk Mountain. 2012/09/2 12:14:05 |
The representative wishes to remain anonymous (and cool). 2012/09/2 12:16:46 |
A modern light fixture seen on Chalk Mountain 2012/09/2 12:35:20 |
We approach the true summit of Chalk Mountain. 2012/09/2 12:35:24 |
Chalk Mountain (1609ft) Panorama 2012/09/2 12:38:00 |
Bill writes an email to Brent Silver. 2012/09/2 12:56:39 |
David finishes up lunch in one of the few shady spots on Chalk Mountain while Frank looks on. 2012/09/2 13:01:23 |
We begin down Westridge Trail from Chalk Mountain. 2012/09/2 13:04:46 |
Bill stands beneath a snag near the top of Westridge Trail. 2012/09/2 13:09:14 |