Whitehouse Ridge Trail climbs steeply through the forest. 2012/09/2 10:52:30 |
The trail makes its way up fern-covered slopes under redwood and fir trees. 2012/09/2 11:01:39 |
Frank and Bill enjoy the view from the lower vista point. 2012/09/2 11:13:04 |
Bill and David at the lower vista point 2012/09/2 11:14:34 |
Moss covers the ground alongside the trail. 2012/09/2 11:25:51 |
Frank and Bill at the upper vista point 2012/09/2 11:30:56 |
Bill ducks under a lichen-draped tree. 2012/09/2 11:32:25 |
Bill passes through a lichen-covered tree. 2012/09/2 11:33:23 |
Frank and David enjoy the view from the upper vista point. 2012/09/2 11:37:00 |