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Photo Albums from Trip to Ketchum, Idaho, August 2011

Gas mileage notes

Before this trip I had just had the van's 30k service interval done that includes a tune up and oil change, and I had put new tires on all four wheels. I cruised at 55mph on the outbound trip and at the speed limit on most of the inbound trip. The engine burned about 1/2-quart of oil in both directions. Although it's counterintuitive, engine speed appeared to have no effect on the amount of oil burned, just mileage covered.

The table below gives the raw data that I use to calculate gas mileage and a few notes for each refueling, during which the tank was filled to the top.

Datetimemiles since last fillupcost# gallonsmaximum cruising speed (mph) on prior tankAvg. air temp. (deg. C) when driving on prior tankTemp. (deg. C) at fillupnotesmpg
2011/08/17 - 1130-47.5013.4553030
2011/08/18 - 083033239.5110.855301530.7
2011/08/18 - 150029130.598.455353534.6
2011/08/22 - 100014217.434.855302529.6
2011/08/22 - 163031451.2314.0753035A couple ounces spilled out the fill tube. Tank was full up the neck of the filler.22.4
2011/08/23 - 084516724.006.765301524.9
2011/08/23 - 130016718.015.165303032.7

The table shows that gas mileage was around 30-32mpg when maximum cruising speed was 55mph. This dropped to the high 20s mpg at 65mph, but really dropped to the low 20s mpg when cruising at 75mph.

Aside from that cruising at 75mph seems too fast in this short wheelbase van. I tended to get blown around too much at 75mph and it felt unsafe. 65mph is a good top speed, but if I have the extra time, 55mph saves even more fuel.

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