Trailhead preparations
Frank gets ready for the hike while Stella gets ready to rob a bank.
We leave the road at this spot.
The view is toward the trailhead and the end of the north ridge of San Joaquin Mountain.
Frank and Stella start up the Reverse (sic) Peak Trail.
Bikes are allowed!
It would be a tough climb due to the deep sand, but a descent might work.
Frank and Stella near the top of the lower canyon.
The trail levels off and passes across a sage-covered basin about 1/3 of the way up.
Spent sagebrush seeds
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Boundary and Montgomerey Peaks at the north end of the White Mountains can be seen in the distance.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
We continue to press uphill, knowing only that the summit is higher.
We continue higher yet.
June Lake from the flank of Reversed Peak
Frank crawls under the boulders.
Frank waits for Stella on the other side.
Stella emerges into the sun.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Bill squeezes himself through the opening.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella continues over the summit blocks.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella finds a spot that's as good as any at the summit.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
FInding just the right hand/foot holds Bill climbs up onto the high point.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Bill on the high point of Reversed Peak
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella finds a spot to sit on the summit.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank finds another spot to stand on the summit.
Bill sits atop the summit rock of Reversed Peak.
(l to r): San Joaquin Mountain, Carson Peak, Minarets, Mount Ritter, Banner Peak, Mount Davis, Bill's head, Rogers Peak, and Mount Wood. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
View north from Reversed Peak.
(l to r): Mount Wood, Mount Lewis, and Mount Gibbs. Below is Grant Lake and Mono Lake at the right.
Frank snaps a photo of Stella on Reversed Peak.
In the background: Grant Lake (l) and Mono Lake (center). Mono Craters are behind Frank.
View south from Reversed Peak
White Mountains in the distance at the left, below is June Lake (l) and Gull Lake (r). June Mountain Ski Resort, San Joaquin Mountain, and the Ritter Range beyond.
Bill climbs down from the summit block.
Good thing I didn't wear a hole in my pants! Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Bill stands on a lower block.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank and Bill sit upon the summit rock of Reversed Peak.
RIght half of photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank sits upon the summit rock of Reversed Peak.
Bill snaps a photo of Frank, while Frank does likewise.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Bill looks through the register.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Mount Wood from Reversed Peak
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
June Lake village from Reversed Peak
Colorful lichen at the top of Reversed Peak
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank on Reversed Peak
Mono Lake is in the background.
Stella and Frank on Reversed Peak
Mono Lake is in the background.
Bill sets up the camera for a group photo.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella, Frank, and Bill on Reversed Peak
Mono Lake is in the background.
Bill squeezes through the tunnel.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank squeezes through the tunnel.
Stella squeezes through the tunnel.
Bill and Stella climb down the last of the Class 3 terrain.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella descends the way she went up.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella explores more of the summit area on Reversed Peak.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Bill and Stella explore more of the summit area on Reversed Peak.
Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank and Stella descend Reversed Peak.
The trail passes through a flat area not far below the summit of Reversed Peak.
Frank and Stella arrive at the flat area 2/3 of the way down.