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Panum Crater plaque
Frank Drobot, Maureen Drobot, and Bill Bushnell examine the Panum Crater plaque. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Frank and Maureen examine the obsidian pinnacle close-up.
Stella, Bill, and Frank on the Plug Trail. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Sierra Crest from Panum Plug
Stella atop the plug of Panum Crater Mono Lake is in the background. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Lee Vining Canyon and Mono Lake from Panum Plug
Frank and Maureen gaze down upon the eastern shore of Mono Lake.
Frank on the rim of Panum Plug
Stella and Bill atop the Plug of Panum Crater Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
The other Mono Craters from Panum Crater
Stella atop the plug of Panum Crater
Frank P. and Stella near the high point on the Plug Trail
Frank, Stella, and Bill atop the plug of Panum Crater
Maureen, Frank, and Stella descend the trail into the crater. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
The trail disappears, leaving us to stumble through the sharp rubble.
Stella gazes back toward the rock pinnacle and the Sierra Crest beyond.
More careful scrambling through sharp rocks
We all arrive back on the trail near the rock pinnacle.
We start counter-clockwise around the Rim Trail.
On the Rim Trail In the background is the Sierra Crest. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
An abandoned trail climbs the wall of the plug.
Our group approaches a high point on the Rim Trail.
Eastern Mono Lake from the Rim Trail Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
We continue on the Rim Trail to the next high point.
Bill, Stella, Frank, and Maureen arrive at the next high point along the Rim Trail. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Mono Lake from the rim of Panum Crater Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Maureen, Frank D., Stella, and Frank P. enjoy the view of Mono Lake.
Bill, Frank P., Stella, and Maureen on the RIm Trail.
Stella leads the group to the low point on the Rim Trail.
Bill leads the rest of the group to the next high point along the Rim Trail. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Stella and Frank D. walk the rim of Panum Crater.
Bill on the Panum Crater Rim Trail Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Panum Crater's plug from its rim
Stella, Frank D., Maureen, and Bill gaze at the plug of Panum Crater. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.
Time to change shoes for the long drive home. Photo courtesy of Frank Paysen.