Lunch stop Lunch stop on North Butano Ridge Stella and Frank make ready to continue on their way. Stella, Frank, and Bill ready to go their separate ways after lunch
Lunch stop
2011/09/3 13:38:03
Lunch stop on North Butano Ridge
2011/09/3 13:38:56
Stella and Frank make ready to continue on their way.
2011/09/3 14:04:11
Stella, Frank, and Bill ready to go their separate ways after lunch
2011/09/3 14:04:33
Bill next to an oddity David continues down one of the dips along the ridge trail. An old overgrown logging road heads off down the ridge. David rests on a comfortable moss-covered tree stump.
Bill next to an oddity
2011/09/3 14:08:00
David continues down one of the dips along the ridge trail.
2011/09/3 14:35:10
An old overgrown logging road heads off down the ridge.
2011/09/3 14:47:21
David rests on a comfortable moss-covered tree stump.
2011/09/3 15:10:12

North Butano Ridge, September 3, 2011

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