The rugged ridge connecting Mt. Olympia (2946ft) and North Peak (3557ft) 2012/04/22 13:38:15 |
Baby Blue-Eyes (Nemophila menziesii) 2012/04/22 13:46:18 |
Looking back at an intermediate summit on the ridge to Mt. Olympia 2012/04/22 13:46:34 |
Woodland Shooting Star 2012/04/22 14:01:21 |
True Baby Starts (Linanthus bicolor) surround a Woodland Shooting Star 2012/04/22 14:01:27 |
The flowers look like Creeping Oregon Grape, but the stem and leaves look like Goldenrod. 2012/04/22 14:03:23 |
North Peak Trail gets steep and narrow. 2012/04/22 14:04:47 |
Face on a tank, seen on North Peak Road 2012/04/22 14:11:50 |
Hikers approach the summit of North Peak. 2012/04/22 14:12:47 |
Bottom of the steepest section of road 2012/04/22 14:16:29 |
Bill P. makes a final push up the steep bit. 2012/04/22 14:17:37 |
The metal walkway to the Peak itself 2012/04/22 14:20:54 |
Bill B. sits atop North Peak amidst the antenna towers. 2012/04/22 14:23:03 |
Piaw and Xiaoqin start toward the Peak. 2012/04/22 14:24:23 |
Xiaoqin, Piaw, and Bill B. at the cramped summit of North Peak (3557ft) (1) 2012/04/22 14:28:48 |