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Uvas Reservoir
Hollister Valley
The apparently-little-used bike path that bypasses the CA156/CA152 junction
Kaiser-Aetna road to Henry Coe State Park's southeastern entrance heads from here. Lover's Leap is at the right.
Nice shoulder on CA152 in Santa Clara County
Lousy shoulder on CA152 in Merced County
Entering Santa Nella
North side of Santa Nella
The thickest clouds are over my planned route.
Northbound on CA33 near Gustine
South Avenue in Gustine
Welcome to Newman
Pressing northward from Newman
Entering Crows Landing
Is it raining over the mountains?
Entering Patterson
Westbound on Sperry Ave.
Passing Graffiti Rock
Collapsed water tank
Passing Frank Raines Regional Park
Crossing Beauregard Summit
The Junction Cafe appears to be busy.
Departing San Antonio Valley to the south Red Mountain is in the background.
Lush foliage on the oaks in Upper San Antonio Valley
Wildflowers alongside San Antonio Valley Road
The lookout tower upon Copernicus Peak (at right) just touches the clouds.
Crossley Reflector
Bill atop Mount Hamilton No views from within the clouds.