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And they're off! (4)
Chris Evans starts.
Andy Sutterfield
Paul and Sarah lead a small group.
Brian Schuster
Kevin Smith
Daryl Spano
Eric Wohlberg (r) latches on...
...and is then called out.
Wohlberg (r) and Evans
Chris Evans
Derek Stedman follows Evans and Wohlberg.
Nigel Allen
Frank Paysen
Christian Mickelsen
Rick Ferrell
Paul McKenzie and Sarah Schroer
Daryl Spano (r) and Derek Stedman
Why I need a horn on the bike when I ride for time...
Group photo
I catch up to Wohlberg and Evans at Kincaid Road.
Eric Wohlberg (f) and Chris Evans
Tom Lawrence
Eric Wohlberg (r) and Chris Evans
Wohlberg (f) and Evans
Drawing near to the domes (and the centerline)
On the center line
The invisible rubber band snaps!
Chris Evans works hard to minimize the time loss.
Wohlberg approaches the dome.
Passing Alexander at work with the camera
Rounding the final bend.
Wohlberg crosses the "line".
Evans crosses the "line".
Alexander Komlik prepares for the rest of the group.
Alex Poloziouk
James Porter (l)
Derek Stedman
Alan Weatherall
Scott Krahn
Gabriel Beddingfield
Rupesh Kapoor
Mihai R
Matthew Redmond
Brian Shuman
Alexander Komlik, Nina Komlik, and Brian Schuman