A female mallard nibbles algae off the rocks. 2012/07/29 12:12:52 |
Bill looks back to check on David at the Rincon Trail crossing. 2012/07/29 12:29:40 |
Stella's crossing starts easily enough. 2012/07/29 12:29:50 |
A moment of horror as Stella stumbles on the slippery rocks beneath the surface at the first crossing 2012/07/29 12:29:56 |
Stella recovers and presses on across the deepest part of the channel. 2012/07/29 12:30:01 |
David crosses the San Lorenzo River at Rincon Trail crossing 2012/07/29 12:30:08 |
Frank, Stella, and David ready to continue hiking up the Rincon Trail after crossing the San Lorenzo River 2012/07/29 12:45:08 |
Stella wrings the water out of the cuffs of her pants. 2012/07/29 12:53:14 |
Park Map at Cathedral Redwoods 2012/07/29 13:17:58 |
Bill photographs two ladies on unicycles. 2012/07/29 13:25:59 |
Unicyclists on the Rincon Trail 2012/07/29 13:26:01 |
Stella climbs up the trench on the Ridge Trail. 2012/07/29 13:38:01 |