Heading east on CA108 near Pinecrest 2012/09/16 12:35:34 |
Bill at the Donnell Overlook bench 2012/09/16 13:10:30 |
Stella and Frank enjoy the view at Donnell Overlook 2012/09/16 13:10:46 |
Donnell Reservoir lies far below. 2012/09/16 13:11:39 |
Frank and Stella enjoy the bench at Donnell Overlook. 2012/09/16 13:28:02 |
Stella and Frank at Donnell Overlook 2012/09/16 13:28:27 |
Donnell Lake lies far below. 2012/09/16 13:30:56 |
Approaching the west side of Sonora Pass. 2012/09/16 14:08:30 |
Climbing up through the "rock window" 2012/09/16 14:11:03 |
A lone cyclist climbing the west side. 2012/09/16 14:13:43 |
One of the few spots on the west side where the road straightens out. 2012/09/16 14:21:18 |
The road climbs steeply here. 2012/09/16 14:23:05 |
Climbing up the "golden staircase" 2012/09/16 14:23:23 |
Climbing through 9000 foot elevation 2012/09/16 14:24:10 |
Crossing Sonora Pass (9624ft) 2012/09/16 14:29:21 |