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Family Day in Santa Cruz, November 2009

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Watching the surf off East Cliff Drive. Kay, Kumba, Laura, and David. Crossing the San Lorenzo River toward the Boardwalk.
Watching the surf off East Cliff Drive.
2009/11/8 14:06:49
Kay, Kumba, Laura, and David.
2009/11/8 14:07:28
Crossing the San Lorenzo River toward the Boardwalk.
2009/11/8 14:13:34
Look, look, over there!  But, don't stare! Come on, David, hurry up! A surfer on a big wave off Lighthouse Point.
Look, look, over there! But, don't stare!
2009/11/8 14:42:41
Come on, David, hurry up!
2009/11/8 14:42:50
A surfer on a big wave off Lighthouse Point.
2009/11/8 14:43:06

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