Glacier Point, September 6, 2007 - Dad and I left for our annual trip to the Sierras at 5a so that we would have time to hike the Four-Mile Trail to Glacier Point that day. We began our hike late morning and finished by early evening, leaving us just enough time to drive to Mammoth Lakes. The views from the trail were spectacular, marred on this occasion only by the smoky air from the forest fires burning elsewhere in the state.
(Distance: 10 miles; Climbing: 3300 feet)
Bike Ridden: | Power Gold Rush |
Distance: | 70 miles |
Cumulative climbing: | 6900 feet |
McGee and Rock Creek Roads, September 2007 - I rode from our condo in Mammoth Lakes to meet Ron Bobb and Alice Mestemacher at their camp site at the McGee Creek RV Park. All three of us rode up McGee Creek Rd. and then out to Tom's Place. Ron and I continued up Rock Creek Rd. to Mosquito Flat and returned the same way. After visiting with Ron and Alice afterward I rode back into town, an uphill ride with about 1300 feet of elevation gain and a stiff headwind.
Twenty Lakes Basin, September 9, 2007 - Six of us, Ron, Alice, David, Bill, Stella, and Frank drove out to Saddlebag Lake, took the water taxi to the far end, and hiked the Twenty Lakes Basin loop, a five-mile loop past lakes at or near the tree line under the shadow of North Peak (12242ft).
(Distance: 5.5 miles; Climbing 750 feet)
San Joaquin Ridge, September 10, 2007 - Six of us (Bill, David, Frank, Stella, Ron, and Alice) drove up to Minaret Vista and hiked north two and a half miles up San Joaquin Ridge, stopping at the summit just southeast of Deadman Pass. Frank and Stella had more energy than the rest of us that day and continued on to the Two Teats.
(Distance: 5 miles; Climbing: 1200 feet)
Mt. Conness, September 11, 2007 - On our third attempt on this peak we finally made it to the top. After starting from the trailhead at the Sawmill Campground and hiking through the beautiful Hall Reserve up to White Mountain Notch, clear of snow this year, David and I found the use trail to the summit plateau.
We had been a bit apprehensive about climbing the summit pinnacle after learning we'd have to scramble over blocks with exposure, but we found that the way to the summit was unexpectedly easy and aided with steps. Only a few moves felt exposed, but footing was secure at these points. The climb to the Notch was harder. After enjoying lunch at the summit (and watching the clouds gather) we headed down.
After we descended from the Notch we met Frank and Stella who had started later. We hiked back to the trailhead with them as the clouds thickened dropping occasional sprinkles. Frank had spoken of a marauding bear breaking into cars at the trailhead, but when we arrived we found our cars had been unmolested in our absence.
It was a hike with a few challenges but worth the effort and the early start.
(Distance: 9.7 miles; Climbing: 3200 feet)
Lake Sabrina, September 12, 2007 - David, Bill, Alice, and Ron hiked from Lake Sabrina to Blue Lake for lunch. After lunch Ron and Bill continued on to Dingleberry Lake while Alice and David returned to Lake Sabrina. Views of Mt. Haeckel, Picture Peak, and the Piute Crags were especially noteworthy.
(Distance: 9 miles; Climbing: 2310 feet)
Dinner with Ron and Alice, September 12, 2007 - On our last night in the mountains Alice and Ron invited us (Bill and David) to dinner in the Particleboard Palace. They prepared a salad and Ron's special black bean burritos. We brought dessert to which Alice added her delicious wild blackberries. After dinner we went outside to watch the stars, vivid in the clear moonless night sky.
Sonora Pass, September 13, 2007 - On our drive home from Mammoth Lakes, we went past Mono Lake, through Bridgeport and over Sonora Pass. These photos capture the highlights.
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