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Yellowstone Tour, June 23, 2003

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Norris Geyser Basin Danny and Dan at Norris Geyser Basin. David, Danny, and Dan at Norris Geyser Basin
Norris Geyser Basin
2003/06/23 15:40:00
Danny and Dan at Norris Geyser Basin.
2003/06/23 15:50:00
David, Danny, and Dan at Norris Geyser Basin
2003/06/23 15:52:00
Dan, Bill, and Matthew at Mammoth Hot Springs Kay and David on the Yellowstone River near Tower Fall. Matthew Norton, Bill, and Danny Norton at Lookout Point, Yellowstone Canyon
Dan, Bill, and Matthew at Mammoth Hot Springs
2003/06/23 16:44:54
Kay and David on the Yellowstone River near Tower Fall.
2003/06/23 16:48:08
Matthew Norton, Bill, and Danny Norton at Lookout Point, Yellowstone Canyon
2003/06/23 18:00:00

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