Pauline takes a break at the "bench" on the Razorback Ridge Trail, while Bogdan and David slog up the hill. 2013/04/13 13:34:56 |
Pauline leads the way through the blooming houndstongue (Cynoglossum grande) 2013/04/13 14:14:42 |
David, Pauline, and Bogdan climb the south peak of Windy Hill. 2013/04/13 15:43:02 |
On the south summit of Windy Hill: Bill, Pauline, and Bogdan 2013/04/13 15:46:17 |
Bill, Bogdan, and Pauline on the north summit of Windy Hill 2013/04/13 16:02:35 |
David, Pauline, and Bogdan descend Spring Ridge Trail. 2013/04/13 16:35:36 |
Three puffball mushrooms grows beside the trail. 2013/04/13 16:41:08 |