Pihea Trail runs near the ridge line to Pihea Vista, the high point in the distance. 2013/10/29 11:03:24 |
David gets read to hike to Pihea Lookout (4284ft) in the distance. 2013/10/29 11:03:39 |
David passes a outcropping of crumbly volcanic rock. 2013/10/29 11:07:47 |
Pihea Trail descends steeply for a short stretch. 2013/10/29 11:10:02 |
The trail is lined with ferns. 2013/10/29 11:16:59 |
The trail is never far from the ridge. 2013/10/29 11:21:43 |
This part of the trail was easy walking. 2013/10/29 11:27:46 |
This part of the trial was tricky and slick with mud. 2013/10/29 11:36:12 |
The trail goes up the mud wall. 2013/10/29 11:45:54 |
David works his way down the muddy, slick section, taking care to avoid slippery roots. 2013/10/29 11:46:49 |
Sometimes the splits were required. 2013/10/29 11:48:29 |
Rubus argutus (Sawtooth Blackberry) flowers 2013/10/29 11:53:28 |
Some sections of the trail were boardwalk. 2013/10/29 11:56:23 |
David returns through the misty forest. 2013/10/29 12:02:21 |
The clouds are closing in on the ridge. 2013/10/29 12:05:52 |