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Trinidad to Home, June 2002

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Snow shed on the east side of Wolf Creek Pass Crossing over Wolf Creek Pass (10857ft) Descending the west side of Wolf Creek Pass Sandstone bluff near Arches National Park
Snow shed on the east side of Wolf Creek Pass
2002/06/12 12:00:00
Crossing over Wolf Creek Pass (10857ft)
2002/06/12 12:10:00
Descending the west side of Wolf Creek Pass
2002/06/12 12:20:00
Sandstone bluff near Arches National Park
2002/06/12 17:00:00
An arch near Moab, UT Bill at Hole 'n' The Rock Close-up of ostrich Bill cautiously approaches and ostrich.
An arch near Moab, UT
2002/06/12 17:30:00
Bill at Hole 'n' The Rock
2002/06/12 17:40:00
Close-up of ostrich
2002/06/12 17:44:00
Bill cautiously approaches and ostrich.
2002/06/12 17:45:00

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