Kay waves goodbye as we set out for Sleeping Giant. 2013/10/27 09:20:29 |
A rare glimpse of Kawaikini from Ala Kinoiki Road 2013/10/27 09:23:24 |
Approaching Sleeping Giant (Mt. Nonou) on Haleilio Road in the town of Wailua 2013/10/27 09:55:33 |
At the trailhead, getting ready to hike 2013/10/27 10:02:38 |
David starts up the trail. 2013/10/27 10:06:50 |
David pauses to examine a spider-like koa tree. 2013/10/27 10:12:36 |
First view of the summit from the trail 2013/10/27 10:15:24 |
David climbs the lower reach of the trail. 2013/10/27 10:19:20 |
David works his way up the trail. 2013/10/27 10:24:59 |
Somehow this mountain biker got down this rocky washout. 2013/10/27 10:31:38 |
Easiest way is down the washout. 2013/10/27 10:32:09 |
Stachytarpheta spp. (porterweed) 2013/10/27 10:35:39 |
Thunbergia fragrans (white lady) 2013/10/27 10:37:37 |
Hole in the Mountain and King Kong profile 2013/10/27 10:45:44 |
Lantana camara (lantana) 2013/10/27 10:47:26 |