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Sequoia Century, June 4, 2000

Mounta Diablo pokes out of the fog lying high over the Bay Area. Rest stop at Costanoa Resort Bonnie Faigeles and friend near the Castle Rock summit on Skyline Blvd.
Mounta Diablo pokes out of the fog lying high over the Bay Area.
2000/06/4 07:20:00
Rest stop at Costanoa Resort
2000/06/4 10:30:00
Bonnie Faigeles and friend near the Castle Rock summit on Skyline Blvd.
2000/06/4 15:45:00
Rehearsal photo of the Bikeaholics at Saratoga Gap rest stop The Bikeaholics at the Hawaiian themed Saratoga Gap rest stop
Rehearsal photo of the Bikeaholics at Saratoga Gap rest stop
2000/06/4 16:14:00
The Bikeaholics at the Hawaiian themed Saratoga Gap rest stop
2000/06/4 16:15:00

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