Go to list of albums | Pescadero Beach, December 2005
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Bill and Kay on the bluff. Bill and David on the bluff David and Kay on the bluff.
Bill and Kay on the bluff.
2005/12/31 16:02:49
Bill and David on the bluff
2005/12/31 16:03:37
David and Kay on the bluff.
2005/12/31 16:06:28
David and Kay climbing off the bluff. David and Kay next to a eucalyptus driftwood. Kay and Bill at the eucalyptus driftwood
David and Kay climbing off the bluff.
2005/12/31 16:16:26
David and Kay next to a eucalyptus driftwood.
2005/12/31 16:18:21
Kay and Bill at the eucalyptus driftwood
2005/12/31 16:19:09

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