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Oregon Coast, July 9, 2000

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Kay and David at the summit of the Whispering Spruce Trail, Cape Perpetua, OR Bill and David at the summit of the Whispering Spruce Trail, Cape Perpetua, OR Kay and David at the summit of Cape Perpetua, OR Kay and David at the summit of Cape Perpetua, OR
Kay and David at the summit of the Whispering Spruce Trail, Cape Perpetua, OR
2000/07/9 13:20:00
Bill and David at the summit of the Whispering Spruce Trail, Cape Perpetua, OR
2000/07/9 13:25:00
Kay and David at the summit of Cape Perpetua, OR
2000/07/9 13:30:00
Kay and David at the summit of Cape Perpetua, OR
2000/07/9 13:32:00
Bill at the summit shelter at Cape Perpetua, OR David enjoys the view from the Cape Perpetua summit. US-101 crosses Coos Bay, Oregon. Kay and David stop to enjoy the view along the southern Oregon Coast.
Bill at the summit shelter at Cape Perpetua, OR
2000/07/9 13:35:00
David enjoys the view from the Cape Perpetua summit.
2000/07/9 13:36:00
US-101 crosses Coos Bay, Oregon.
2000/07/10 09:30:00
Kay and David stop to enjoy the view along the southern Oregon Coast.
2000/07/10 10:30:00

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