Mt. Tam LDT, May 2005 | 17/34 | Mt. Tamalpais Panorama (2480ft)

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2005/05/14 11:07:15

(l to r): Ridgecrest Rd. to East Peak of Mt. Tamalpais, Richmond and San Pablo Bay, Mt. Diablo (behind the pine tree), Oakland Hills, Tiburon, Angel Island, Belvedere, Richardson Bay, Sausalito, Alcatraz, the small island just above, and Mt. Hamilton in the distance just above the western span of the Bay Bridge, San Francisco skyline, Marin Headlands, fog rolling past the Golden Gate Bridge, Baker Beach SF, Muir Beach, Muir Woods to the right, and fog over the Pacific

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Mt. Tamalpais Panorama (2480ft)

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