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Mt. Hamilton Sunrise, December 1993

Bill and Paul Liu stand at the railing. Mt. Hamilton Sunrise Panorama. Group photo on the Mt. Hamilton summit as the sun makes its appearance.
Bill and Paul Liu stand at the railing.
1993/12/5 06:50:00
Mt. Hamilton Sunrise Panorama.
1993/12/5 06:55:00
Group photo on the Mt. Hamilton summit as the sun makes its appearance.
1993/12/5 07:08:00
The morning terminator is visible in the haze. Bill stops briefly for a photo in the very cold San Antonio Valley.
The morning terminator is visible in the haze.
1993/12/5 07:20:00
Bill stops briefly for a photo in the very cold San Antonio Valley.
1993/12/5 09:30:00

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