Morgan Pass Trail descends east of the pass. 2012/09/18 13:40:39 |
View toward Morgan Pass from its eastern approach. 2012/09/18 13:43:30 |
Bill reads off the stats for the hike thus far. 2012/09/18 13:46:37 |
Frank puts away his equipment while Stella starts her luncheon. 2012/09/18 13:58:12 |
After lunch Frank and Stella return up the east side of Morgan Pass. 2012/09/18 14:20:55 |
Frank and Stella stop again at Morgan Pass to enjoy the view. 2012/09/18 14:22:09 |
View west from Morgan Pass (11100ft) 2012/09/18 14:25:00 |
Frank and Stella descend from Morgan Pass 2012/09/18 14:27:56 |
Bill starts down from the pass after taking a few photos. 2012/09/18 14:28:02 |