Michael J Salameh 2012/11/22 11:05:23 |
Bob Fetherston 2012/11/22 11:05:33 |
French Clements (l), Anthony Jawad (r) 2012/11/22 11:05:40 |
Steven Mielich (l) and Matt Fisher (r) 2012/11/22 11:05:43 |
Aki Yamakawa (rear) 2012/11/22 11:05:46 |
David Vrane (r) comes around the outside of Alan Weatherall. 2012/11/22 11:06:16 |
Alan Weatherall (l) and David Vrane 2012/11/22 11:06:17 |
(l to r): Brandon West, Giles Douglas, and Toshi Tajima 2012/11/22 11:06:32 |
John Toor 2012/11/22 11:07:13 |
Michael Tauber 2012/11/22 11:07:16 |
Plamen Velikov 2012/11/22 11:07:38 |
Chris Gaitos 2012/11/22 11:07:41 |