Mount Tom (left) and the peaks at the head of Pine Creek 2013/07/3 07:28:38 |
Sierra Crest from CA168 2013/07/3 07:38:07 |
Bill and Brian discuss the route. 2013/07/3 08:13:01 |
The group assembles at the Day Use parking area for North Lake. 2013/07/3 08:14:09 |
Group photo at trail junction 2013/07/3 08:38:11 |
Colombian Monkshood (Aconitum columbianum) 2013/07/3 08:40:54 |
Aspen leaves 2013/07/3 08:45:21 |
Tiger lily (Lilium pardalinum) 2013/07/3 08:46:59 |
Broadleaf arnica (Arnica latifolia) and Western labrador tea (Rhododendron columbianum) 2013/07/3 09:07:27 |
North Lake and the car park are visible from the Lamarck Lakes trail. 2013/07/3 09:23:22 |
Grass Lake 2013/07/3 09:23:34 |
Stopping to chat with a fisherman (seated) and his son at Lower Lamarck Lake 2013/07/3 09:56:29 |
Lower Lamarck Lake 2013/07/3 09:57:43 |
Trudy and Marc cross Lamarck Creek. 2013/07/3 10:03:01 |
Brian offers a hand. 2013/07/3 10:03:12 |
Brian offers Nancy advice. 2013/07/3 10:03:25 |
Lamarck Creek crossing during lower water 2013/07/3 10:03:39 |
We hike up a small canyon to Upper Lamarck Lake. 2013/07/3 10:08:45 |
Sierra columbine (Aquilegia pubescens) 2013/07/3 10:15:39 |
View back toward Lower Lamarck Lake 2013/07/3 10:20:08 |
Parry's Townsend Daisy (Townsendia parryi) 2013/07/3 10:26:11 |
Davidson's beardtongue (Penstemon davidsonii) 2013/07/3 10:27:03 |
Eaton's penstemon (Penstemon eatonii) 2013/07/3 10:29:04 |
Wavyleaf Indian paintbrush (Castilleja applegatei) grows well in this sheltered spot amongst the rocks. 2013/07/3 10:29:43 |
Rocky Mountain goldenrod (Solidago multiradiata) 2013/07/3 10:30:08 |
Small meadow below our lunch spot 2013/07/3 10:42:09 |
Trudy and Nancy enjoy the lunch spot. 2013/07/3 10:42:28 |
Group photo at lunch stop 2013/07/3 10:45:53 |
We stopped to enjoy lunch at a spot with a sweeping view a short distance from Upper Lamarck Lake up the trail to Lamarck Col 2013/07/3 10:47:28 |
San Bernardino beardtongue (Penstemon caesius) 2013/07/3 10:55:15 |
Silky raillardella (Raillardella argentea) 2013/07/3 10:57:57 |
Brian enjoys lunch. 2013/07/3 10:59:42 |
Wavyleaf Indian paintbrush (Castilleja applegatei) 2013/07/3 11:00:53 |
Ranger's Buttons (Sphenosciadium capitellatum) 2013/07/3 11:09:11 |
Group photo at Upper Lamarck Lake 2013/07/3 11:11:32 |
Bill stands next to Lamarck Creek. 2013/07/3 11:12:35 |
Dandelion going to seed amidst Drummond's cinquefoil (Potentilla drummondii) at Upper Lamarck Lake 2013/07/3 11:13:42 |
Marc ties the bag of ashes to a lodgepole pine. 2013/07/3 11:14:23 |
Marc ties Charlie's ashes to a lodgepole pine at Upper Lamarck Lake. 2013/07/3 11:15:25 |
Upper Lamarck Lake and the Sierra Crest 2013/07/3 11:15:50 |
Charlie's ashes in the tree 2013/07/3 11:17:24 |
Charlie's ashes tied to the lodgepole at Upper Lamarck Lake 2013/07/3 11:17:43 |
Bill sits on old wood at the outflow of Upper Lamarck Lake. 2013/07/3 11:18:20 |
Sierra shootingstar (Dodecatheon subalpinum) 2013/07/3 11:18:34 |
Eaton's penstemon (Penstemon eatonii) 2013/07/3 11:26:25 |
Lichen growing on granite 2013/07/3 11:28:55 |
Brian pauses while descending the trail. 2013/07/3 12:01:11 |
Brian stops above Grass Lake to get his camera out. 2013/07/3 12:02:06 |
Nancy, Trudy, and Marc descend from Lower Lamarck Lake. 2013/07/3 12:02:34 |
Grass Lake from high on the Lamarck Lakes trail 2013/07/3 12:04:00 |
Thompson Ridge from the Lamarck Lakes trail 2013/07/3 12:04:08 |
North Lake and the Day Use Parking area from the Lamarck Lakes trail 2013/07/3 12:04:22 |
Silvery lupine (Lupinus argenteus) and 2013/07/3 12:04:26 |
Nancy, Trudy, and Bill on their way down Lamarck Lakes trail 2013/07/3 12:04:32 |
Brian and Nancy at Grass Lake 2013/07/3 12:21:22 |
Bill at Grass Lake 2013/07/3 12:21:49 |
Brian gets across Lamarck Creek on some logs. 2013/07/3 12:28:56 |
Brian and Nancy lead the way down the trail. 2013/07/3 12:40:00 |
Aspens bent by the weight of winter snow 2013/07/3 12:43:01 |
Lake Tahoe lupine (Lupinus argenteus) grows abundantly near the trail. 2013/07/3 12:53:54 |
Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) 2013/07/3 13:00:30 |
On the trail below Grass Lake 2013/07/3 13:01:11 |
Brian and Nancy by Lamarck Creek 2013/07/3 13:02:16 |
Rocky Mountain iris (Iris missouriensis) 2013/07/3 13:07:54 |
Brian speaks with the North Lake Pack Station operator 2013/07/3 13:16:38 |
A Horse Eye 2013/07/3 13:21:14 |
Brian and Nancy take a dip in Lamarck Creek. 2013/07/3 13:26:43 |
North Lake Road runs along a steep hillside. 2013/07/3 13:32:26 |
CA168 and Aspendell from North Lake Road 2013/07/3 13:34:38 |
Thunderstorm to the north 2013/07/3 14:22:02 |