Half Dome as seen through Indian Arch 2011/09/23 12:29:14 |
David climbs high enough to look through Indian Arch. 2011/09/23 12:29:46 |
Sentinel Rock as seen through Indian Arch. 2011/09/23 12:31:49 |
David thought this fallen tree looked like a dragon with a broken back. 2011/09/23 12:51:29 |
David presses on to Indian Rock while other park visitors explore the Arch. 2011/09/23 12:56:56 |
David continues up Indian Ridge. 2011/09/23 12:59:02 |
Indian Rock is the high point on Indian Ridge. 2011/09/23 13:00:37 |
Bill below Indian Rock 2011/09/23 13:03:15 |