Hollister LDT, March 2005 | 26/34 | Fremont Peak Panorama

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2005/03/26 14:44:00

View is north to south. Monterey Bay is to the far left, then Ben Lomond Mountain, Watsonville, Loma Prieta, the highpoint, Pajaro Gap below, and below that, the fields around San Juan Bautista. Moving right and up over the low hills (Flint Hills) we see the lower end of the Santa Clara Valley, and above that, Mt. Hamilton, the high point on the ridge. Moving right we see the mountains in Henry Coe State Park. Descending to the right into the Pacheco Creek and the valley of Casa de Fuita. Near Hollister is San Justo Reservoir. The pointy peak is Pacheco Peak. To its right and somewhat more distant is Mariposa Peak. The high point on this ridge is Henrietta Peak presiding over an ever-sprawling Hollister below. Looking to the right (southeast) we see the lower end of Cienega Valley and direct evidence of the San Andreas Fault by the straight line of cliffs cutting the hills in the distance. To the right the highpoint in the distance is Big Mountain, and in the far right nearby is Harlan Mountain. Notice that the cyclist descending has right foot forward.

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Fremont Peak Panorama

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