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Highland, Eureka Canyon, Mt. Madonna, September 2008

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Start of construction zone on Highland Way. Construction equipment parked to thwart passers-through. Well, this 100-foot section might last a while once it's finished. Cyclists riding through from the southern end of the closure.
Start of construction zone on Highland Way.
2008/09/13 12:32:29
Construction equipment parked to thwart passers-through.
2008/09/13 12:33:27
Well, this 100-foot section might last a while once it's finished.
2008/09/13 12:35:31
Cyclists riding through from the southern end of the closure.
2008/09/13 12:37:00
Looking north through the construction zone. The burning was sporadic. More burned area along Highland Way Upper part of Eureka Canyon Rd.
Looking north through the construction zone.
2008/09/13 12:38:18
The burning was sporadic.
2008/09/13 12:50:14
More burned area along Highland Way
2008/09/13 12:51:48
Upper part of Eureka Canyon Rd.
2008/09/13 12:57:00

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