Frank crawls out onto the overhanging rock. 2013/09/16 13:00:00 |
Frank is now on the thinnest section of overhanging rock. 2013/09/16 13:00:40 |
Frank manuevers close to the edge. 2013/09/16 13:01:23 |
Bill gives a victory wave. 2013/09/16 13:02:20 |
Cathedral Peak 2013/09/16 13:03:03 |
Frank scrambles up the last bit to join me again. 2013/09/16 13:03:38 |
The second time with the video camera makes it worthwhile. 2013/09/16 13:04:28 |
Mount Conness from Echo Ridge 2013/09/16 13:05:17 |
Bill at the summit of Echo Ridge 2013/09/16 13:05:21 |
Gaylor Peak looks insignificant from here. 2013/09/16 13:05:33 |
Mount Dana (13057ft) 2013/09/16 13:05:39 |
Clouds Rest (l) and Half Dome 2013/09/16 13:10:19 |
Mount Hoffman and Hoffman's Thumb 2013/09/16 13:10:35 |
Bill snaps more photos of the view. 2013/09/16 13:14:40 |
Mt. Lyell (with the glacier) and Mt. McClure mark the high points in Yosemite National Park. 2013/09/16 13:17:47 |