The road from the lookout tower descends a ridge. 2013/05/1 14:44:23 |
A vivid cluster of Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja affinis) grows beside the road. 2013/05/1 14:45:05 |
And on the other side of the road stood a thick stand of blue lupine. 2013/05/1 14:46:01 |
Bill descends the road from Eagle Rock (upper right) 2013/05/1 14:48:12 |
David heads down into the forest on Eagle Rock Road. 2013/05/1 15:27:42 |
David at the gate at the bottom of Eagle Rock Road 2013/05/1 15:31:29 |
David at the start of the Tanbark Trail 2013/05/1 15:42:22 |
Buzzard's Roost (2150ft) can be seen on the next ridge over. 2013/05/1 16:06:20 |
David looks for the Eagle Rock lookout tower. 2013/05/1 16:20:25 |
David enjoys a chocolate Clif Bar. 2013/05/1 16:30:23 |
David at Little Basin 2013/05/1 16:59:00 |
Little Basin entrance station 2013/05/1 17:00:10 |