Hazy air over San Jose, from the top of the PG&E Trail 2013/08/21 11:12:53 |
Frank enjoys the view north from the bench at the top of the PG&E Trail. 2013/08/21 11:13:27 |
Frank marches up the Quarry Trail. 2013/08/21 11:16:54 |
The Quarry Trail climbs a chamise-covered ridge. 2013/08/21 11:25:41 |
Frank climbs a steep section of the Quarry Trail. 2013/08/21 11:34:59 |
Snake skin detail 2013/08/21 11:37:07 |
A snake shed its skin while slithering into a hole. 2013/08/21 11:37:52 |
Frank stands atop Black Mountain. (1) 2013/08/21 12:18:21 |
Lizard suns itself on a summit rock. 2013/08/21 12:19:42 |
Frank starts down a steep section below the summit. 2013/08/21 12:27:21 |
Frank waits for me at the top of the Quarry Trail. 2013/08/21 12:43:31 |
View looking down the Quarry Trail towards the quarry 2013/08/21 12:49:15 |
The Quarry Trail winds its way through thick groves of chamise. 2013/08/21 12:51:21 |
How did a tanker trailer get there? 2013/08/21 12:59:29 |
View back toward the summit of Black Mountain from the High Meadow Trail 2013/08/21 13:50:30 |
Bill rests at the bench at the High Meadow Trail viewpoint. 2013/08/21 13:59:04 |