Fern Ridge and Lower Hutchinson 2012/07/15 15:14:47 |
Lower Hutchinson Road (1) 2012/07/15 15:16:08 |
Lower Hutchinson Road (2) 2012/07/15 15:20:22 |
Upper end of Lower Hutchinson Road 2012/07/15 15:23:24 |
Lower end of Hutchinson Road 2012/07/15 15:24:37 |
Hutchinson Road gets steep and hot. 2012/07/15 15:32:36 |
The climb doesn't let up for a while. 2012/07/15 15:33:28 |
Mountain Charlie Ridge from Hutchinson Road 2012/07/15 15:36:00 |
And the road keeps going up. 2012/07/15 15:37:32 |
View back down Hutchinson Road, toward Santa Cruz 2012/07/15 15:38:20 |
On the section of Hutchinson Road with a wall 2012/07/15 15:40:08 |