Carson Peak stands over June Lake. 2013/07/5 06:30:31 |
Group photo at start of hike. 2013/07/5 06:45:16 |
Nancy on the trail above Silver Lake 2013/07/5 07:01:04 |
Brian shoots a photo back toward the trailhead at Silver Lake. 2013/07/5 07:17:59 |
View back to the trailhead 2013/07/5 07:18:05 |
Brian photographs the valley below. 2013/07/5 07:19:25 |
An old snag stands below Carson Peak 2013/07/5 07:30:21 |
Bridge penstemon (Penstemon rostriflorus) is abundant next to the trail. 2013/07/5 07:37:31 |
Woods rose (Rosa woodsii) 2013/07/5 07:40:10 |
Nancy at the tramway track crossing 2013/07/5 07:43:04 |
The tramway goes up the gradient. 2013/07/5 07:45:16 |
View up the tramway track. 2013/07/5 07:45:33 |
View down the tramway track 2013/07/5 07:45:43 |
Bill plods slowly up the trail, bent over like his old man. 2013/07/5 07:46:35 |
Blazing star (Mentzelia laevicaulis) 2013/07/5 07:46:35 |
The trail zig-zags its way up this dramatic slope. 2013/07/5 07:52:12 |
Tramway repair equipment 2013/07/5 07:54:31 |
Buckwheat 2013/07/5 07:57:23 |
The trail to Agnew Pass drops down to the tracks. 2013/07/5 08:10:41 |
Nancy and Brian on the trail below the Agnew Lake dam 2013/07/5 08:15:08 |
Crossing Rush Creek on our way up the trail 2013/07/5 08:15:26 |
The Gem Lake dam lies high above. 2013/07/5 08:28:01 |
Agnew Lake (below) and Gem Lake dam (above) 2013/07/5 08:29:19 |
Climbing the Pile of Rock above Agnew Lake 2013/07/5 08:31:35 |
Rush Creek tumbles down the rock between Gem Lake and Agnew Lake 2013/07/5 08:38:29 |
Penstemon grows abundantly by the trail. 2013/07/5 08:45:29 |
View back toward Agnew Lake 2013/07/5 08:46:33 |
Bill presses up the rocky trail. 2013/07/5 08:52:32 |
A small helicopter flies overhead. 2013/07/5 08:55:19 |
Nancy pauses on the climb. 2013/07/5 08:59:16 |
Lichen grows on a rock. 2013/07/5 09:02:28 |
The trail continues to climb up to Spooky Meadow. 2013/07/5 09:06:44 |
Lupine and paintbrush grow near the trail. 2013/07/5 09:15:11 |
Sierra stickseed (Hackelia nervosa) 2013/07/5 09:18:57 |
Spooky Meadow 2013/07/5 09:21:51 |
Nancy trudges wearily up the trail. 2013/07/5 09:22:13 |
Shooting stars beside a babbling brook 2013/07/5 09:28:54 |
Mono Lake can be seen through the haze. 2013/07/5 09:30:52 |
Corn lily (Veratrum californicum) 2013/07/5 09:36:27 |
Nancy climbs the last of the steep stuff before Agnew Pass. 2013/07/5 09:43:50 |
Trail passes through a lupine-studded meadow. 2013/07/5 09:51:52 |
Nancy reaches the top of the long climb. 2013/07/5 09:55:08 |
Brian looks for a good view spot for lunch. 2013/07/5 10:01:56 |
Donohoe Peak (left) and the south spur of Blacktop Peak (center right) 2013/07/5 10:02:51 |
Kuna, Koip, and Parker Peaks above Gem Lake 2013/07/5 10:03:09 |
Time for some sunscreen 2013/07/5 10:18:04 |
Panorama from Ritter/Banner (left) to Koip Crest (right) 2013/07/5 10:24:48 |
Brian and Nancy at one of the Clark Lakes 2013/07/5 10:29:44 |
Brian and Nancy head toward Ritter and Banner 2013/07/5 10:34:02 |
Walking through the Boy Scout camp 2013/07/5 10:37:46 |