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Mt. Hamilton on the DMD, April 30, 2011

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Riding through Upper San Antonio Valley (2) Riding through Upper San Antonio Valley (3) Starting the climb to China Grade Summit
Riding through Upper San Antonio Valley (2)
2011/04/30 16:05:37
Riding through Upper San Antonio Valley (3)
2011/04/30 16:05:49
Starting the climb to China Grade Summit
2011/04/30 16:07:11
Zach and Willie near China Grade Summit. Pedaling hard over China Grade Summit. Passing a reservoir along Arroyo Bayo (1)
Zach and Willie near China Grade Summit.
2011/04/30 16:14:13
Pedaling hard over China Grade Summit.
2011/04/30 16:14:47
Passing a reservoir along Arroyo Bayo (1)
2011/04/30 16:21:01

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