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Chocolate Peak, September 12, 2010

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Junction of Bull Lake and Bishop Pass trails Frank and Stella pause at a view of South Lake. David nears the end of the trail. David walks down the Bishop Pass trail.
Junction of Bull Lake and Bishop Pass trails
2010/09/12 16:47:34
Frank and Stella pause at a view of South Lake.
2010/09/12 17:29:11
David nears the end of the trail.
2010/09/12 17:31:25
David walks down the Bishop Pass trail.
2010/09/12 17:36:13
David rounds the last corner in the sun before reaching the parking lot. Sunset over Mammoth Mountain Sunset over the Ritter Range Tired hikers on the drive home.
David rounds the last corner in the sun before reaching the parking lot.
2010/09/12 17:39:44
Sunset over Mammoth Mountain
2010/09/12 18:52:13
Sunset over the Ritter Range
2010/09/12 18:55:32
Tired hikers on the drive home.
2010/09/12 18:55:58

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